Academy Council
Name | Appointed By | Start of Current Term of Office | Term of Office Ends | Business and Other Interests |
Attendance at Council Meetings 2023/24 |
Mr G North | Diocese | 23/04/2023 | 22/04/2027 | None |
3/5 |
Mrs B Pemberton
Diocese | 31/10/2022 | 30/10/2026 | Fred and Bo' which supplies personalised signs and other items | 5/5 |
Mrs AM Waide | Ex - officio | 01/09/2022 |
Spouse is a director at 'Beyond the Physical' which provides PE consultancy to schools across the Trust |
Mrs A Stewart | Diocese | 1/9/2023 | 31/8/2027 | None | 4/5 |
Mrs S Best
Parents | 1/09/2021 | 31/08/2025 | None | 5/5 |
Mrs Drew
Staff | 19/05/2022 | 18/05/2026 | None |
4/5 |
Mrs Hunter |
Parents | 21/2/2023 | 21/02/2027 | None |
Mrs M Barnes |
Diocese | 8/1/2024 | 7/1/2028 | None |
Chair of Governors Vice Chair of Governors
Gerard North Bronnach Pemberton
c/o Christ the King Catholic Primary School
Leeds LS13 2DX
Council Members' Responsibilities
Safeguarding and Attendance - Emer Hunter |
SEND - Gerard North |
Wellbeing - Annamaria Stewart |
Statutory Grants - Sarah Best |
Health and Safety - Bronnach Pemberton |
RE, Catholic Life & Mission and Curriculum - Margaret Barnes |
Admissions Committee | |
Mrs Bronnach Pemberton (Chair) | |
Mr Gerard North | |
Mrs Sarah Best |
Academy Council Secure Area